To my best friend’s future daughter

Bhavana Shivashankar
6 min readJun 19, 2021

Hey there, little one!

I know you’re yet to even enter the world but I want you to know that I’m eagerly waiting with a heart full of love to welcome you here. I’ll be wearing the traditional green lab dress with an ugly white cap ready to hold you in my arms and look into your tiny beautiful eyes(Please don’t get it from your mom as they’re going to be super tiny). I’ll smile the widest on hearing your first cry and maybe even shed a tear and wipe it off when nobody is noticing.

When you’ll hold my pinky finger tightly, I wonder how I’ll ever let go.

Your baby smell will always remain in the back of my head. And your cute picture, it’s going to make my wallpaper for a long long time. Let me begin by telling you how lucky you are to have such an amazing mom. I’m pretty sure you’ll have an amazing dad too cause smart, pretty women are hard to impress and your mom is the epitome of it.

We’ll pick you a tiny yet big enough cradle to fit the two of us in it so that when you can’t sleep I’ll jump in and we’ll sleep cuddling. I’ll probably click a zillion pictures of you doing every insignificant activity all day. You and I will scribble in those coloring books together and make similar noises that will confuse your mom if it’s you or a puppy. I’ll bring you the warmest, smallest clothes and many toys. Your mom will always prefer blue over everything else, so make sure you stay stubborn to pick the color of your choice.

I’ll wait for the day you’ll start taking those tiny steps so we can go on long walks.

We’ll play in the park, make new friends, talk to squirrels, pet the puppies, lay down on the green grass under the big blue sky and tell each other what we imagine the shape of the clouds to be.
We will play catch until one drops tired, we’ll sing along with the birds on trees and feed bread to the dogs, click pictures of butterflies and you standing next to the pond with one less front teeth, I’ll explain to you the difference between tadpoles and fishes and we’ll buy two scoops of your favorite ice-cream and then double it. We’ll get flowers for your mom on the way back to make up for staying away too late.

And as soon as you can run, we’re going to have a lot of races together. First one to get to the dinner table, first one to get to the balcony, first one to run the circumference of the park, and many more. I hope I’d win sometimes but the loud laughter you’d give when you’d win will make me want to lose sometimes.
I’ll get you a big pack of ice cream when you’ll lose your first tooth and we’ll spend a whole day watching TV. We will build a small tent out of bed sheets and pillows; it’ll be our very own tiny castle. I’ll make you a tiny tiara and I’ll wear a cape, then we’ll read all of your favorite stories one after the other until we fall asleep.
Sometimes I’ll replace the name of the protagonist of the story with yours just to see you gasp and clap at the end of the story.
We will build a myriad of things with Lego blocks and play scrabble. We’ll dance to your favorite music and I’ll always be your partner for a duet.

I know time will just fly when you’ll already go to school and learn so much every day. I’ll be amazed to see you grow tall and not fit in the cradle anymore. A part of me will be sad, to be honest, but a part of me will be the happiest to see you growing into an impressive kid. Be it the science fair or the annual sports day, I’ll cheer for you the loudest from the front rows.

It would not matter if you’d win shiny trophies or dazzling badges, because it’s always about giving it your best shot and celebrating it each day.

You’ll be taught many things in the books but the best life lessons for you will come from life itself. The people you’re with, the people you’ll meet, the friends you make, the person you are. Of all the other things, you’ll be groomed to be compassionate, kind, strong, true, selfless, and spread love wherever you go. You’ll be told to respect the values of life more than anything else and you’ll see why. I’m sure you’ll turn out wonderful with all the good things and people you’ll be surrounded with as you grow up.

Somedays, I’ll tell you all about your mother’s college days and what a fireball she was. I’ll tell you all about our achievements, tragedies, brave yet foolish acts that we cherish to date, and all the happy-sad moments we spent during hostel life.
How your mother would go out of the way and do anything for the ones she loved. On how she was a smart, beautiful, kind, stubborn as hell, ballsy, mature soul trapped in a kid’s body and has come a long way from where she started her journey. How it’s been full of ups and downs making it no less than a rollercoaster ride but she always passed each day with a smile on, a brave thought, and an honest friend (me :p).
I’ll also tell you of the innumerable fights we’ve had and how after everything each time we’d hug each other and wipe the tears off laughing at a lame joke I’d make.

You may roll on the ground and laugh at a few stories and another few will have you understand big things.

Things like the importance of following your passion in life, the importance of being independent and strong, the importance of love, and the importance of having great friends in your life, someone you can trust your life with and will stand by you no matter what and through all your happy and worst days.

I’ll be your best friend/fun aunt/cool companion/partner in crime from day one and I’ll promise to be your go-to person. Whether it’s about a bad grade, trouble with a friend, a cute crush, about a bad day, a life-changing decision, or a 3 A.M talk, I’ll always be just a call away.

Also, I’m really sad to tell you that I’m not going to be around the entire time. Sometimes, I may even miss one of the most important days of your life by being in a different city stuck with my own battles. But, always know that wherever I may be and whatever I may be doing, I’ll always think of you every day and the thought alone would bring a smile upon my face.
And when I’ll come to see you the next time, I’ll give you the biggest, warmest hug and kisses that will make you wipe your face with a tissue (Just like your mom does :P ).



Bhavana Shivashankar

A 25-year-old tech enthusiast | Dreams of chasing demons with Indiana Jones and dad | Never turns back during the short sprint from the bathroom to bedroom